Digifest: Toronto’s Digital Media Festival
If you’re at all involved in the professional interactive media industry in Toronto, chances are you’ve at least heard of Toronto Digifest. This...
AdventureWare: featured in Wired Magazine
Or, alternate title: AdventureWare Postmortem!? A couple days after the Adventure Time Game Jam, I got an email from Wired Magazine contributor Ryan...
New Portfolio in the works
I’m starting a new portfolio on Soundcloud. Since my previous portfolio pieces range from short animated films and dance pieces to Christmas plays...
Jim Guthrie: Sworcery Sounds Mastermind
I am a huge fan of Sword and Sworcery and if you follow me on twitter, you’ll notice my occasional tweets saying “Logfella was...
Don Cherry should compose for VGM
Since I’m Canadian, it’s a requirement that I at least understand hockey culture. A little. Not only does Don Cherry wear double-breasted suit...